Monday, April 1, 2013

Living to Run and Running to Live

The last few weeks of running have been going great! I am definitely feeling better and ready to pick up my training. Only problem is that it's now time to taper for Boston...

Here's a highlight of some of my favorite running days over the last few weeks....

March 17th: I ran the NYC half for the first time. However, I made the mistake of not bringing throw-away clothes to the start and was frozen solid....teeth chattering....and visibly shaking...not a good way to start.
I had planned on running with my friend Carlos, but we never found each other in the swarm of people. So I ran by myself. I started out slow, partially due to being conservative and due to the fact that my hips and feet hurt from people so cold. Then I slowly picked up the pace to what felt comfortable. I wasn't racing, just running. I finished in 1:33:05 (just over 4 minutes away from a PR), with a full out sprint in the last 200m. I wasn't sore or tired. Great! I did it right! I was left with confidence that maybe my speed isn't as far away as I think it is.

March 21st: I had the opportunity to run with City Coach, a multisport group under the tutelage of Coach Jonathan Cane and Nicole Sin Quee (a.k.a. Mrs. Coach Cane, NSQ). I had been looking forward to this run for a few months as it was my only available Thursday in quite some time due to having class. My friend Deanna runs with them and always raves about them...I wasn't left disappointed! The group is so nice...smack talk and all! The workout was hard! I had a blast! Can't wait to go back for more! And more! And more!

March 24th: I embarked on the famous "4 Bridges Run" weaving through Manhattan, Brooklyn, and Queens with a small group led by Deanna. It was a blast! My longest run in a while...22 miles...and my final 20ish miler before Boston.
Shoe war...Brooks won!
My friend Jonathan and I wanted to go a little faster, and not completely knowing the route, ended up taking a detour due to a wrong turn, but that's all part of the adventure. Then we picked up the pace a bit more at the finish. It felt great...well, at least when he didn't insist on talking because I couldn't talk and breath at that pace! But I have to say, the best part was the food reward at the finish! We had the best breakfast ever! Breakfast burritos from the Indian Road Cafe in Inwood. I can't wait to go again!

March 27th: Jonathan and I got up early and ran the previous nights Central Park Track Club workout (he runs for them). I nearly died! It consisted of a warm-up, 1600m, 1200m, 1000m, 800m, 600m, 400m, with 200m recovery between each sprint. I was exhausted from running/lifting/spin the night before, and Jonathan had spikes on so I lagged behind. Problem solved though! I bought some spikes! Nice orange and leopard print Brooks...can't wait to get them!

March 30th: I completed my final long run of Boston training, 16 miles. It was pure torture, and yet I enjoyed it...go figure. I went out the night before with a girlfriend, Danielle, from college whom I hadn't seen in 9 years. We had a great sushi dinner and then decided to go to a hookah lounge after. It was a blast! We drank a lot, something that I rarely indulge in as I try to eat clean. And danced a lot.
The next morning, I had a throbbing headache and felt dehydrated, but had intended on my long run so decided to go anyways. I stayed the night with Danielle as she was very close to Central Park and it offered me a change of scenery for my long run. I really thought the water foundations would be working by now since winter is over. Major fail on my part! I embarked on the run without a water bottle or money. My mouth was painfully dry! I tried hard to ignore it, but by mile 12, I couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't swallow. I ran to a small cafe (Le Pain Quotidien) in the middle of the park for a cup of tap water, probably should have done it early, but was being stubborn. It felt like the best drink I had had in my life! I immediately felt energized, but my mouth was dry again in minutes. After the run, I was quite sore. Probably a combination of the dehydration and my weight session from the day before. I always forget side lunges are my nemesis and make me hurt for days. All in all though, I really enjoyed being able to run in a t-shirt, it was the first warm day in quite some time. Can't wait for the warm weather to continue!

It has been a great few weeks! I am living to run and running to live!

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