Thursday, April 11, 2013

Boston here I come

This morning while running a slow recovery I was asked when my next race is. I replied "Monday". And then was asked, "Oh, what race is that?" This made me laugh hysterically. I am so used to most runners around me at the moment being so Boston focused. This came from quite a phenomenal runner. But of course if you aren't running it, you don't always remember....and it was super early in the morning.

As Boston rapidly approaches I can't decide if I want to race or just have fun. However, in the wisdom of my coach, Jonathan Cane, " if racing and fun are mutually exclusive". So my response to this was "I guess I mean I can't decide how much pain I want". Racing or running easy will be fun, but racing will for sure be exponentially more painful!

I have wanted to run Boston ever since I first started racing in 2010. That year, I ran my first marathon, NYC, in 3:50:51. I had hoped to run a BQ, but being my first marathon and such a newbie to road racing, I died at mile 20. Then shortly after NYC, I injured my hamstring, crushing my dream of qualifying in the spring. So I set out researching fast fall marathons and embarked on training for Wineglass 2011. I hired a personal trainer to rehab my hamstring (Albert Russo, I have to say is awesome!), added loads of cross training, and paid closer attention to my diet. I got faster and stronger. I felt confident on race day despite nasty weather. And I did indeed qualify! I ran a 3:23:32! The only catch, Boston registration had been closed for a week.

In retrospect, everything happens for a reason. The freak heat wave for Boston 2012 would have resulted in a very disappointing race. I would have been quite upset to put in 12 hard weeks of training, only to find I couldn't run to my potential in a race that means so much! Just my luck though, I got hit with another freak heat wave a month later while running Poconos 2012. I was definitely disappointed with the end result of a 3:24:25, but I did run-walk the last 8 miles due to melting in the scorching temps. I knew I had the potential to run a good deal faster, but it just wasn't my day.

My luck changed, however, for my fall 2012 marathon. I was picked for the St. George lottery, which was to be run on my birthday. I trained hard for this hilly course with a net downhill. It thrashed my quads, but in the end I ran a 3:01:25. So very close to a next goal. So much improvement! I was a very happy birthday girl!

After running St. George, following a heavy race year, I didn't slow down until I was forced to. Didn't listen to my body until it was too late. Over training syndrome left me with a less than desirable Boston training period. I have had 8 weeks to build my mileage up from zero, train, and taper. I haven't done well with the taper as I was just starting to feel really good and incorporating triple workout days about 2 weeks ago. But this week, I have worked hard to go to bed early (my usual 6 hours of sleep just isn't cutting it) and taking down the intensity/quantity of my workouts. I don't have the usual overwhelming fatigue from marathon training or that crazy itch of tapering. It all feels foreign. Like I'm just preparing to race a quick jaunt in Central Park. I have to keep telling myself to get it together! This is Boston I am racing! Need to get focused!

Who knows what will happen as I toe the line? I probably won't decide until the last minute just how hard I want to push. Just how much pain I want to endure! But I do secretly want a sub-3. I just don't know if my training will take me there. So we will see come Monday.

Good luck to everyone racing! Remember to save some steam for the hills! In the words of my running partner, " May the course be with you."

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