Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recovery...Done...Time to run!!!

I am still buzzing from consuming massive amounts of coffee and ingesting loads of chocolate covered coffee beans. I barely survived. Made some stupid mistakes and was completely lost at times. I left feeling very thankful that they grade on a curve. But that midterm is finally done! Had I opted not to torture myself in an elective of microeconomics, the last few days would have been more peaceful. Had I dedicated as much time to studying as I did running, it would have been easier. But in the midst of marathon training, that wasn't an option!

The marathon was almost three weeks ago and I have only run twice since then. I have been completely exhausted and the slowest runs seem to take incredible effort. I had intended to hit the gym hard with cross training and to take out my bike for some nice fall riding. I mean, I did join the NYU cycling team and have yet to make it to one of the workouts. But, alas, the exhaustion has taken over. So, I have enjoyed sleeping in and not feeling the need to wake up before 5am. Don't get me wrong, I managed to get in some spin, a little yoga, and a bit of time on the elliptical. But more importantly, I have allowed my body to repair.

I have pushed my body continuously since spring marathon training began in February, not allowing it to stop, as I maintained focus from one even to the next. All that training coupled with a full-time job and school, means I don't get enough recovery time. I have had an amazing year so far, with almost every race ending in a PR. On top of that, I have successfully ventured into triathlon and ultra running. Recovery is a very important part of training, one that many people are horrible at because we just don't know how to sit still. My body deserves a break!

I have focused my energy on eating healthy and getting enough rest, rewarding my body for all it's hard work. But it hasn't completely gone as planned given my continuously demanding schedule. I have spent the last week cramming for this midterm after realizing how under prepared I was. This meant many high stressed days and late nights of studying. Sitting for hours on end, while my friends are out enjoying the beautiful weather, enjoying their ability to ride or run for as long as they desire. Previously my desire to run had been little to none. But after living like a sloth for the past few days, I am dying to move! Longing to run in this amazing fall weather! Running to feel the cool breeze across my skin, the wind in my hair, the crisp air in my lungs. Running to be free!

I am secretly longing for an ultra to jump into (guess it's not a secret anymore), but I just don't have time. I can't train for anything long right now. I need to focus on school, and need to focus on learning how to run through pain. Learning how to push at a faster pace and not stopping, not letting up, just keep pushing. I ran well this year, but had I possessed this skill, like so many runners whom I admire, I could have had even better times. I cannot wait to run with them, cannot wait to hit the track, the trail, the street. Regretting that I missed last night's team workout as I sat cracked out on coffee beans with my head in a book.

I cannot handle sitting still anymore! I am ready to run!!! So watch out...Here I come!!!

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