Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Recovery...Done...Time to run!!!

I am still buzzing from consuming massive amounts of coffee and ingesting loads of chocolate covered coffee beans. I barely survived. Made some stupid mistakes and was completely lost at times. I left feeling very thankful that they grade on a curve. But that midterm is finally done! Had I opted not to torture myself in an elective of microeconomics, the last few days would have been more peaceful. Had I dedicated as much time to studying as I did running, it would have been easier. But in the midst of marathon training, that wasn't an option!

The marathon was almost three weeks ago and I have only run twice since then. I have been completely exhausted and the slowest runs seem to take incredible effort. I had intended to hit the gym hard with cross training and to take out my bike for some nice fall riding. I mean, I did join the NYU cycling team and have yet to make it to one of the workouts. But, alas, the exhaustion has taken over. So, I have enjoyed sleeping in and not feeling the need to wake up before 5am. Don't get me wrong, I managed to get in some spin, a little yoga, and a bit of time on the elliptical. But more importantly, I have allowed my body to repair.

I have pushed my body continuously since spring marathon training began in February, not allowing it to stop, as I maintained focus from one even to the next. All that training coupled with a full-time job and school, means I don't get enough recovery time. I have had an amazing year so far, with almost every race ending in a PR. On top of that, I have successfully ventured into triathlon and ultra running. Recovery is a very important part of training, one that many people are horrible at because we just don't know how to sit still. My body deserves a break!

I have focused my energy on eating healthy and getting enough rest, rewarding my body for all it's hard work. But it hasn't completely gone as planned given my continuously demanding schedule. I have spent the last week cramming for this midterm after realizing how under prepared I was. This meant many high stressed days and late nights of studying. Sitting for hours on end, while my friends are out enjoying the beautiful weather, enjoying their ability to ride or run for as long as they desire. Previously my desire to run had been little to none. But after living like a sloth for the past few days, I am dying to move! Longing to run in this amazing fall weather! Running to feel the cool breeze across my skin, the wind in my hair, the crisp air in my lungs. Running to be free!

I am secretly longing for an ultra to jump into (guess it's not a secret anymore), but I just don't have time. I can't train for anything long right now. I need to focus on school, and need to focus on learning how to run through pain. Learning how to push at a faster pace and not stopping, not letting up, just keep pushing. I ran well this year, but had I possessed this skill, like so many runners whom I admire, I could have had even better times. I cannot wait to run with them, cannot wait to hit the track, the trail, the street. Regretting that I missed last night's team workout as I sat cracked out on coffee beans with my head in a book.

I cannot handle sitting still anymore! I am ready to run!!! So watch out...Here I come!!!

Sunday, October 7, 2012

It's my birthday and I'll run if I want to

Yesterday was my birthday and it might just have been one of my favorite birthdays so far! Although I don't like the grey hair, I am really enjoying getting older. As a birthday present to myself, I set out to run the St. George marathon, which is listed by Runner's World as one of the top 10 most scenic marathons. And it just happened to be on my birthday.

I set out training for a 3:05, but secretly hoped I could squeeze out a sub-3 since it is a net downhill course, where runner's usually have a negative split. I had trained well with no injuries, just a bit of calf tightness in the week before the race, nothing a little extra rest and TLC couldn't handle. I flew in the night before, planning to run to the expo, eat dinner, and head to bed for an early start. Some members of the club thought I was crazy to fly in the night before, not allowing myself to adjust to the altitude, but I couldn't afford the extra time. Coach thought I was being too ambitious aiming for a 3:05 given that my PR thus far was 3:23:32. I figured at my last marathon I should have been able to do between a 3:10 and 3:15, but bonked from the heat, so I was well on my way to this faster goal with good training. So I didn't listen to him, something I rarely do. I knew I had to prove him wrong.

After arriving in my hotel, I jogged over to the expo in a nice 1 mile jaunt on a paved trail along the road with beautiful scenery. Could this place get any better? Yes! I ran into a bunch of kids racing to the finish of a adorable! Once at the expo, I went to the spot where my bib should be, but I was told I had to go to another area. Confused, I walked in the direction of the Clydesdale/Athena and elite bibs. I opted to try the elite side first, hoping they didn't consider me an Athena. Sure enough I was in that box. I asked the lady perplexed and she said based on my projected time I was listed as elite because I was one of the top 150 women...pretty cool. I picked up my shirt and got some props for being elite. Thanks! I picked up a race band, and was pointed out for picking the fastest one ( sub-3 band). Thanks! I was feeling special, but humble. Then I jogged back to the hotel, incorporating a few stride outs to stretch out the legs. I was feeling good! I prepared my race attire and bag, adjusting the race band. I thought I would try to make up time in a negative split on the second half which would allow me to run with the 3:05 pace group for the first half and then work towards a sub-3 in the second half if I was feeling good by that point. I then ate my dinner and went to bed.

I planned to take one of the first shuttle buses to the start, I had no problem being there 1 hour 45 minutes early. I got up at 3:15 on race morning. Not as early as it sounds since there is a 2 hour time difference, so it was really 5:15 for advantage over some of the other runners. In my early morning  pre-race anxiety, I only forgot a few things, nothing too essential. I couldn't decide if I wanted my music, thought while I was sleeping that I would take it, but forgot it in the end. Also forgot to Tiger Balm my calves, but was lucky they had some Bengay at the start (really, it's just not the same, but the placebo effect helped!)

The start of the race was amazing! All I thought about was why can't NYC do this? You walked into the waiting area and were handed a pair of gloves and mylar blanket. You were then pointed in the direction of the multiple small bonfires, all to keep you warm in the chilly morning temp. They also had bananas, Gatorade, water, plenty of port-a-potties with plenty of quilted toilet paper...the joys of a great pre-race bathroom experience. I sat around a fire waiting until it was time to hand over my bag and warm-up clothes. About a half an hour before the start, that time came, and I also realized I was hungry. I had eaten my bagel almost 2 hours earlier. I guess it was a little too early. The hotel had given us a breakfast bag, so I took a chance with the granola bar as it seemed the best option. I took of my sweatshirt and sweatpants, donning my husbands tubes socks as arm warmers (they really are convenient and you don't feel sorry when you toss them). I took my last bathroom break, opting for the farther port-a-potty in order to avoid the lines. When I headed back, I realized the corrals were moving forward a bit and I had to duck under the tape. Hey, I was elite, so I could. But I couldn't find the 3:05 pace leader. I asked someone, but she didn't know. It was too late now, I would have to figure it out on my own. Time to start running....

The start was dark. I ran with a water bottle for the first couple of miles taking sips as I felt parched, but then couldn't deal with it anymore and threw it to the side. Along with my gloves and arm warmers. I tried to check my splits with the light on my Garmin. I knew I was running too fast at a gotten down to a 6:36 min/mi, but felt good and thought it would make up some of the time I would lose on Veyo hill. The middle of the road was lined with rubble strips, which I had to focus on avoiding as I didn't want to fall on my face, but after about 5 miles, the sky began to lighten. I watched the miles go by and anticipated Veyo hill, planning to take my first gel just before the 7 mile mark, where Veyo was to start. I can say, that seeing it from afar was intimidating, but once running it, I felt fine. Sure I slowed down a lot, but it wasn't as hard as I had thought it would be. However, there was another 4 miles of hills to go. The prolonged exertion of those hills felt harder, but it was rolling so there were some breaks, and I knew once I got to mile 14 it was downhill. So I stayed positive and kept plugging along. I chatted with another runner, who told me some tidbits about the course. There was another hill to anticipate at mile 18, not too bad of a hill, just bad timing. Ok, I've got this!

Mile 14 was downhill for sure, it was steep. I tried to hold back while everyone else sped up around me. I wanted to save my quads as much as I could. At this point I had been dropped by the original women I had my eyes on a while back (she finished 10th...too fast for me), passed another one, and now had my eyes on a new target, a women in a flowery skirt. This was also the most beautiful point in the race. I focused on the scenery, a wide expanse of red cliffs. I watched bicyclists on the path along the road. Did I already say how amazing this place is? I felt myself feeling jealous of there ability to ride in such a bike friendly and beautiful environment. These things kept my mind busy. 

When I got to mile 16, I started to feel the pain in my quads. I talked to myself in order to run through it; "You just have to get to mile 18, and then it's all downhill". I got to mile 18 and slowed down a bit as I ran up the hill, and then worked to pick up the pace once over it. I tried to break down the rest of the course, but couldn't decide in my head how to do it, so I just focused on getting through the next  8+ miles. I had hit the halfway mark at just over 1:30 and figured according to my pace band that I was 2 minutes ahead of my sub-3 goal, so thought if I could pick it back up to a 6:40-6:50, I would be fine. I told myself people usually have a negative split, so I should be just fine! I could do this! Ok, yes, in reality, I was just at the margin of breaking sub-3, but my pace band was set to run a negative split and cover the second half at a faster pace, my race brain just wasn't really realizing this.

I was dropped by the woman in the flowery skirt, but didn't let that effect my confidence, and found another to target, a woman in a bright yellow tank. At mile 22, I fought with myself not to stop and walk. My brain was telling my legs, "if you stop now, you will give up as per your usual, so you have to keep running...if you stop now, it's really going to hurt when you start again, so you have to keep running". My legs responded by saying, "I just need a couple seconds break". My quads were on fire and essentially won. I stopped for a couple seconds and then picked it up telling myself I could walk through the water stop at mile 23. I had passed a women in a navy blue sports bra, but she re-passed me when I walked. As I picked up the pace, I was determined to pass her again and pass the woman in the bright yellow tank. And I did!

At one point I was advised by a spectator that I was the 18th woman, this was when I was ahead of the woman in the navy bra. But by mile 25, my quads were completely fatigued. They no longer hurt, in fact, I just couldn't really feel them anymore. They had no life left. I felt like I was running a 6:30 pace, but was in fact running much slower. I took a few more short walk breaks, realizing at this point I wasn't going to make the sub-3 time, but refusing to give up. I was essentially passed by the woman in the navy blue sports bra and regardless of how hard I tried, I couldn't catch up to her. I think she finished about 20 seconds ahead of me. I ran as hard as I could...that finish line couldn't come soon enough. I finished in 3:01:25! It wasn't a sub-3, I hadn't run a negative split, I realized that I ran the first have a bit too fast, but I was more than happy! I ran a fabulous PR, giving myself a wonderful birthday present. 

I was actually the 5th female in my age group as the 1st won the race...

Shortly after crossing the finish line, I was approached by a guy who had had his eye on my singlet as he ran. He used to be a member of VCTC, but was now living in DC. I met his friends and girlfriend and we relaxed together at the post-race area, with it's array of food choices, massages, and festivities. We gathered to watch the awards ceremony and planned a fabulous hike in Zion Canyon for recovery. With his girlfriend living in Brooklyn, another great triathlete/ironwoman, I put my recruiting skills to use, trying to convince them to join my fabulous team. I couldn't have run such an amazing race without the support of my teammates, some of the best friends I have!
Zion Canyon...breathtaking!

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


This past weekend was both amazing and tumultuous. I hadn't been home to Vermont since Christmas, but had been anticipating the trip for a while. I was looking forward to social engagements, but bummed I couldn't run more due to tapering. In fact, the Vermont 50 was on Sunday and I so badly wanted to sign-up, but alas, running 50 miles the week before a marathon would be complete insanity if I wanted to race well. I just love running in the country...It beats the streets of NYC any day!

My sister came out to get us Thursday evening. Yep, she is pretty great, always coming to get us so the hounds can have a break from the city too. If only I could figure out a hassle free way to manage alternate side of the street parking, I would have a car and drive myself. We chatted away during the ride, catching up...and keeping me awake as I took over the driving. I have been over tired lately due to school, work, and training, so staying up late isn't easy...and we didn't get in until 1:30am.

The next morning I had my first social engagement, breakfast with a very dear friend. She actually used to be my therapist, but we have stayed in touch since I moved to NYC 7 years ago and is now more like family. I look forward to seeing her every time I go home...always one of the highlights of my trip. It was great to update her on all my running exploits and other life happenings. Always feels good to hear words of encouragement from someone you love.

It was Friday, and it was raining. I had a scheduled recovery run, but didn't feel like torturing myself and opted to do it another day. Recovery runs always feel like torture...I just like to run fast...and can never manage to run slow in the rain. I figured it was better to postpone in order to maintain my taper. So after a fabulous visit, I opted for some homework...blah.

That night I felt some all over body soreness, but tried to ignore it. However, it was only worse when I woke hope. But I headed out for my 10 miler anyways. It was drizzling, so I opted to stick to the main road instead of my favorite dirt road as I didn't want to get my brand new "marathon" shoes all muddy...yes, I am one of those clean freaks. I donned my compression socks and my new "birthday" (a bit early) iPod. Over the first mile my calves seemed to tighten more and more. This had never happened. I went back and forth between stopping or finishing the run. I did not want to injure myself. I only opted to continue because I didn't have time the following day. I stretched multiple times and tried to slow myself down (I was running faster than I wanted, but everything besides my calves felt good). They got better as time progressed, but the hills hurt. I wondered if it was the socks or if something was happening inside. I had recalled some calf cramping the night before while sleeping, so maybe it was a residual effect. I finished my run, a little worried. I didn't have time to ice, as I had another important engagement, so I ate some bananas, hoping the electrolytes would help.

Now time to prepare for my best friend, Noah's, wedding. He is Jewish and his beautiful bride is Indian. They picked a very simple Indian themed wedding in a Vermont field, with a few Jewish embellishments. It was absolutely beautiful...perfect! I cried as they said there vows. I have not seen two people so madly in love in a long while. It was breathtaking!
He is one of the most important people in my life and I couldn't be happier with his choice in a bride as she is just as amazing as he is. I only wish I could see them more often, but alas they live in Calcutta, India. If you ever want to donate to a great cause, check out Noah's NGO Calcutta Kids, which helps mothers and children in a slum of Calcutta...I fundraised for him during my first marathon and went out for a month to work with him.

Oh, and another reason I had to run that 10 I could eats loads of fabulous Indian food! Yes, I run to eat! But my diet has been horrible lately, and going home didn't help. I had been working at adopting the Paleo lifestyle, but going home meant a perpetual sugar high. You see, my mom has a daycare at home with a junk drawer, junk cupboard, and junk closet. For a sugar addict, it's hard to resist! Next time I need to pack all my own food and plan time...And with all that junk, I was beginning to feel bloated and lethargic.

Ok. So onto Sunday. I slept until noon. I had stayed out late at the wedding after party. Sleeping in felt great, but I had a baby shower to attend at 2pm. So I dressed, skipping the compression socks this time, and headed out the door for my recovery run. I tried to enjoy my favorite dirt road, but the run was torture. My calves were tightening again...and I had to force myself to slow down. I finished, unhappy, and more worried.

But again, no time to fret. I had to get ready for my little sister's baby shower...oh did I forget to mention she's 8 months preggo with my niece. Yep! And I can't wait to buy her first running shoes! I hate baby showers, I hate family gatherings, but I enjoyed watching my sister in her new more mature ways. I was worried when I first found out she was pregnant, only being 23, in an on and off relationship, and still having a final semester of college. But she has delightfully surprised me in how much she has grown up! She is going to be a fantastic mom! And I couldn't be more proud of her! I am so happy to feel like we are developing a closer relationship...something I have always wanted! At this point in my life, I don't really like kids (they cry and poop too much), but I am getting excited to be an aunt! (Anyone want to be on duty to drive me or loan me their car when delivery is approaching? I might just bake you a goody :-)

Anyways, the next day, it was time to head back to NYC. I opted to sleep in again...oh so nice to catch up on some zzz's. I also opted to take the day off instead of attempting another recovery run. Rest is just as good...and very important!

Tuesday I headed out for 7 miles with 2 at marathon pace. I tried out my compression socks again, but as soon as I started running my calves stiffened and my socks felt uncomfortably tight. I have run in my socks for a while now, but they feel so much tighter when my calves tense up. I stretched them well, which helped and kept running...and they kept tightening. They didn't feel good until I really picked up the pace, but everything else felt lethargic. Not a good outcome for one of my final runs before race day. More worrying!

I stretched after the run. I went to the gym at lunch to stretch some more and foam roll. My calves were still bothering me at the end of the day. Time for ice! And again today. More ice and rolling. I am trying to stay positive. I am sure it will be fine. Likely a result of high stress and anxiety. You see, despite all the great things that happened at home, I was overcome with negative emotions due to issues I won't bore you with. I don't think my body could handle all the emotional and physical stress it was under. It has revolted.

But I will take control! I fly out Friday morning to St. George, Utah. Once I arrive I will run a couple easy miles with a few stride-outs on my way to the expo and then go to bed after a quick bite to eat. I am hoping to get some good rest. For now it is ice, rolling, and plenty of oranges (they decrease inflammation). Come Saturday it will be time for...