Monday, August 13, 2012

Tomorrow is Another Day!

     I am your typical Type A personality. A perfectionist to a fault and completely hard on myself. When I have a bad day of training, it kills me, and I have had a lousy couple of weeks of training, completely shaking my confidence.
     I went to DC three weeks ago for the International AIDS conference. I have wanted to go to this conference for years, but could never afford the international trip. Well, it was finally in the States again, giving me the perfect opportunity to go. It was amazing! I developed a renewed drive for my career. I wish I could say the same about my running! Early mornings and late nights left me tired, not to mention the heat and humidity. I would go out to do a run and be dripping after a mile. I put in a lot of effort, but felt like I was tiring too quickly, having to rest mid-run too frequently. However, I thoroughly enjoyed running in a different city and tried to focus on that! My friend showed me a nice paved commuter path leading to George Town, which was quite scenic. I left DC feeling that I had run the best I could given the conditions and feeling grateful for what my body can do.
    The following few days went by without complications, but then again, my scheduled runs weren't that hard. Then on the following Saturday, I had a 5 mile race in Central Park, Team Champs. I wasn't really excited for it. The temp and humidity were forecasted to be in the high 80's, but thought I should be fine given my recent running in similar conditions in DC. I ran just fine, but still felt it was slow. I had dreams up keeping up with the Rocket, but she finished 1.5 minutes ahead of me. In the end, my pace was the same as that of a half marathon I did in April. I guess that tells you how poorly I do in the heat. I tried to stay positive and focus on my ability to stay mentally strong through a tough race.
     The next day I set out for my long run of 17 miles with my old running buddy on his bike by my side (he's been injured). I was going to try and hit marathon pace, but it was another hot and humid day, plus I felt tired, so I decided to take it easy on myself. Man, I struggled with that run! My muscles were tired and tight, causing me to stop to stretch frequently. When I got home I prepared an ice bath, but before I even got in, my quads had tightened from sitting. I went to bed that night, tossing and turning. My legs were killing me and my back was aching. I woke up in the middle of the night nauseous. I thought I had over trained and the pain was causing me to feel sick. I went back to bed, but found I had a fever in the morning and relegated myself to the couch. I was still feeling ill Monday night, but was determined to continue training on Tuesday and go back to work. I slept fine, dragged myself out of bed, swallowed a gel since I hadn't eaten much the day before, and headed out for 13 miles in the Riverdale hills with Jonathan. At the first step I knew I was in trouble, but I ran the mile to meet my buddy. I only mustered 5 miles and went back to my spot on the couch. I was completely frustrated! Being sick totally messed up my training for the week.
     I tried to run again Wednesday morning, and somehow managed a nice 5 mile tempo at 6:32 pace at the end of a 10 miler (faster than my pace at Team Champs). I guess the rest did me well, but not well enough to get me out of bed at 4:30 Thursday morning to re-try my 13 miles of hills. Oh well, I guess I needed some more rest and couldn't be late for work so was forced to postpone the run. I would have a lot of running to do during the weekend.
     On Saturday of this past weekend, I attempted my 17 miles with 10 at marathon pace again. I planned to run to the gym for my favorite yoga class and then hit the pool for some recovery. I packed my CamelBack with a change of clothes, my swim gear, and of course loads of water. I set out feeling a bit tired, but able to keep a steady pace. After a few miles, I realized I was dripping with sweat, but didn't feel all that hot, I had reached the river, so the breeze was cooling. I forgot how much I enjoy running along the Greenway, which is next to the Hudson River. But, when it was time to hit marathon pace, I really struggled! I even slowed the pace by 5 seconds since I was running with my pack, but still barely managed 3.5 miles, stopping every mile to stretch and drink. I tried to coach myself into staying strong, willing my legs to go faster, and then decided I was being ridiculous pushing myself so hard. I was so deflated by my inability to hit marathon pace. I was confused by why my body couldn't handle it. I wanted to cry, but kept plugging along at a slower, more comfortable pace. In hindsight, it was, yet again, a warm and humid day, which I really wasn't taking into account. Plus the 6.5 pounds I was carrying on my back. Yep, I must have been crazy to think I could hit marathon pace! Needless to say, the run took me far longer than expected and I missed yoga. Then I had to sit around and wait for the pool to open. It certainly wasn't my morning!
     Yesterday was though, for sure. I slept in a little as my legs were telling me to stay in bed just a bit longer. I headed out at 8am, which is usually a bit late. But it was a cool morning...finally! I warmed up with a mile and then easily did 11 miles at marathon pace on some nice rolling hills, followed by a cool-down. I stopped mostly out of leisure and for a few drink mom called (typical mom bad timing), saw my running buddy (he is working on getting back into tip-top shape), and helped some bikers (who couldn't decide if they should take their road bikes onto the old railroad trail...only if you want a flat). It was a great run! My favorite part was when one biker yelled "the Olympics are over". Well, they might be over for this year, but no one says you have to stop training!
     Here's to hoping tomorrow will be just as good! My day will start at 4:30am when I walk the dogs and then meet Jonathan and Dick to beat out 13 miles in the Riverdale hills, by far one of my favorite weekly runs! My goal is to practice accepting whatever my body allows me to do for every given day because tomorrow is always another day! I need to be mindful to maintain a healthy body, and pushing to a level that it doesn't want to go will not enhance my training, but only hinder it. I need to be happy with what I can give today, because today I can run!

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