Friday, August 24, 2012

Liebster Blog Award

My friend Amy (Check out her blog! She is easily one of my biggest inspirations!) nominated me for a Liebster Blog Award. The award is meant to be given to a blog that is a favorite of yours, particularly ones that are up and coming with a smaller following. Those nominated need to answer 11 questions posed by the person nominating, include 11 random facts, create 11 new questions and nominate 11 blogs.

1. What drives you in life? Accomplishing my goals. And I have many of them...Once I accomplish one, I make another.
2. How do you define success? Being happy while accomplishing my goals. It doesn't matter how small the achievement is, as long as I am happy with it, it was a success! Even if I don't quite meet my goal, but am happy with the end result, it was a success! I.e. running a race and not hitting my goal time, but running a smart race and as well as my body will allow for the day = success

3. Name one to three people in your life who are instrumental in where you are today and why. My Mom: She is the one who taught me I could do anything I set my mind to. 
My dog Elmira (1996-2010): Not sure who rescued who?!?! She was my first running partner.

4. Do you have any habits you'd like to break? I don't think I have any gross habits I need to break. Although my husband might think otherwise. But I do tend to be really hard on myself. I am a total Type A personality...a perfectionist. It can be quite defeating at times!

5. What is your most favorite thing about yourself? My perseverance. If I want something, I work hard until I am able to get it. I rarely give up

6. Where would your next vacation be if you could go anywhere in the world? looks amazing and I've always wanted to go.

7. What do you find "uninteresting"? Watching sports on TV. I enjoy track, but basketball, baseball, football...they just last too long. I can watch a little bit and then get bored. Watching live is way more exciting!

8. Would you rather be too hot or too cold? I would rather be too cold (I grew up in Vermont). It's always easier to put on more clothes, but you can't really run around naked all the time when it's hot.
9. What is your daily "dress" routine before a run? Roll out of bed and put on the clothes I set out the night before (clothes that hardly ever match). Grab my Garmin from it's charger and if I remember, my Road ID. I always head out first in my flip flops as I take my hounds for their morning outing (also gives me a chance to verify that my attire is weather appropriate). Then when I get home I throw on my socks and one of 2 or 3 pairs of shoes, depending on the rotation and type of run scheduled. And if I need it, I grab my waist pack water bottle holder (I seem to be the camel for some of my running partners :)
10. Who gave you the best massage you've ever had? A blind masseuse in Chang Mai, Thailand. I went everyday for a week. Can't beat a 2hr massage for $10. It wasn't luxurious and was a bit painful, but the masseuse worked magic with his/her elbows.

11. If you had to pick one food to live on for the rest of your life, what would it be? Peanut butter. I ate half a peanut butter sandwich (plain, no jelly or Fluff) everyday for lunch as a kid. That is until I was able to eat a whole one. Unfortunately, I have started the paleo diet and cut legumes (yes, peanuts are a legume and not a nut) out of my diet. So now I eat almond butter. Not quite the same, but still tasty!

11 Random Things About Me:
  1. I love elephants. My favorite adventure of all time was learning to ride bareback in Thailand (don't worry...I made sure to patronize a place that treats their elephants humanely!)
  2. I am quite accident prone...clumsy. I tend to run into walls and fall up stairs. I rode my bike into a sign as a kid (guess that's why my mom wasn't so crazy about me getting into triathlons).
  3. I was kicked in the face by a horse as a kid. First and only time I've had stitches.
  4. I stress out way too often...probably due to my being a perfectionist and having pessimistic tendencies.
  5. I am from Vermont and my grandfather makes maple syrup, but I only recently started eating the real stuff.
  6. Again, I am from Vermont....but I hate snow. Never got into skiing or snowboarding, or any other winter sport for that matter.
  7. My mom used to call me a tackle box. Yep, I was one of those kids with multiple piercings.
  8. I have an addiction to chocolate! But only the good stuff :)
  9. I talk about sex all day and get paid for it...Adolescent other passion besides running.
  10. I am a total nerd. I love watching the Discovery Health Channel. And, yes, much to my family's dismay, I can watch all the bloody stuff while eating.
  11. I am a perpetual student. I have 2 Bachelor's degrees, am currently working on my second Master's, and planning my PhD.
Blog Nominees:
Running: These give me inspiration, training tips, and race reports.

Nutrition: I just learned about this blog! I just started the paleo lifestyle and can't wait to try out some of these recipes.

Public Health: I really should read more blogs about public health!

My 11 Questions:
  1. If you could change your profession, what would it be?
  2. Who is your role-model and why?
  3. If you could be an animal, what would it be and why?
  4. What was the last book that you read?
  5. What's your favorite quote?
  6. What food do you detest?
  7. If you could teach everyone one lesson, what would it be?
  8. Where's your favorite place to relax?
  9. Beer, cocktail, or wine?
  10. What is your biggest fear?
  11. What's your greatest indulgence?

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