Thursday, July 25, 2013

ASS (Acute Stress Syndrome)

I have not been feeling well since the end of last November when some symptoms of Over Training Syndrome began. I took a couple months off and then ramped up for a 2 month Boston training program. I did well during training, but couldn't seem to drop down to my racing weight no matter how I tweaked my diet, and I still suffered from an exceptionally low level of energy. On top of that, my stomach began acting up again. I have battled with stomach issues for years and nothing conventional medicine suggests seems to provide relief.

Right after Boston, I embarked on a 21 day guided detox with my friend Emma. Unlike many detoxes and cleanses out there, this one consisted of eating a lot. It focused on whole foods, mostly plant based and then adding fish and soy, cutting out dairy, gluten, sugar, and other chemically processed foods. I felt amazing! My stomach was finally working properly. No more bloating or constipation. The weight fell off and I was full of energy. But, sadly, all good things must come to an end, and my symptoms quickly resurfaced once I began adding back "regular" foods. As my symptoms worsened, so did my body image. My eating issues were beginning to recur due to this as well as a surge of life stressors. On top of that, my running slowed down tremendously. I equate this to the pitting edema I was having in my legs. As the day progressed, my calves became tighter and tighter with edema, making them heavier to lift on a run. Even in the morning, they weren't normal. Needless to say, I felt like crap and was completely frustrated!

Then I went on a short vacation to Burlington, VT to visit a dear friend and relax. We ate amazing and healthy food, again mostly plant based and gluten free, and drank a lot of delicious hard cider. 
I love these girls!

After a day, my stomach was feeling better. I had some bloating one day, but guessed it was the sugary processed frozen drink we indulged in while relaxing at the spa. I enjoyed a few beautiful runs and was finally able to hold my usual pace. The first day's run was hard as I completed a long run during the mid-day sun with heavy legs. But the beauty of Shelburne Farms, which is situated along Lake Champlain, made it all worthwhile. And after a couple of relaxing days hiking and swimming, I set out for a recovery run, that quickly turned into a speedy 10 miles as I whipped through the trails by my friend's house. They were narrow with sharp winding turns bordered by a river on one side and farms/fields on the other. I couldn't help but run fast! I was ecstatic to finally be feeling better.

Shelburne Farms = So peaceful and beautiful!
Trail running = my favorite!

The same day I returned to NYC, my stomach began to act up with a case of the bloats. I went to my best friend's fundraiser for his NGO Calcutta Kid's and ate pretty much anything, tasting all the delicious hors d"oeuvres and goodies. The next day my stomach was so bloated I looked pregnant, and my feet and legs were so swollen they looked like those of a pregnant woman. And I assure you, I am not pregnant! I felt awful! All I could do was lay on the couch with my feet up.

Oh, and I got another yeast infection, my second one in 2 weeks. My thought, a systemic yeast infection, which could be the cause of all my symptoms. The answer, some supplements and a major diet change. The problem, my nutritionist didn't want me to cut out so many of the foods required. Eating too many carbs feeds the yeast, so you need to cut out most fruit, processed grains, and of course sugary products. I've had a love/hate relationship with carbs and know from experience as per the advice of my personal trainer that I can drop weight quickly by cutting down on my carb intake (although, frustratingly, it hadn't been working as of more recently). I previously followed a cyclical diet where I would fuel up on the weekend with carbs but eat less than 100g the other days, focusing mainly on increasing my protein intake. It is quite contrary to the popular notion that endurance athletes need lots of carbs, but it worked for me. However, with the nutritionist, I have been working on developing a healthier relationship with food, and therefore, eating the things that I fear will cause me to gain weight. Needless to say, this was already happening and freaking me out!

However, I felt so awful and thought it was best to give my body some rest, so opted to take an entire week off, meaning no exercise at all. I also haphazardly tried to eliminate the most likely culprits in my diet. Sugar of course, as well as dairy, which I'm allergic too (casein causes me to develop eczema) and gluten, which is often linked to dairy allergies. None of this helped until I was super strict at cutting out the possible culprits and began a food/symptom diary. After a few days, I will say that I felt better. My stomach was less bloated and began digesting properly, the edema was dissipating. When I started running again, I was still sluggish, but that might have also been due to the heat wave. 
Sluggish and tired while running + tripping and skidding = OUCH!

But then I suddenly developed a rash on my eyes and my stomach began to act up. I thought maybe it was the gel I had on my long run or the excess of watermelon post-run (who can't resist ice cold watermelon after a sweltering workout?). So, I decided to test it out and eat more sugar. Big mistake! I felt awful again! This confirmed for me that sugar was an issue.

However, I was having some other symptoms that were odd and scary at the same time. They were suggestive of a pituitary tumor versus stress versus who know what else. In fact, I have long though that I have some abnormality of my thyroid due to my ongoing symptoms, but my labs have always been normal, and this time was no different, both my pituitary and thyroid were functioning fine. I still question it, and wonder about some sub-clinical diagnosis not recognized by conventional medicine. As a medical practitioner, I make the worst patient because I'm always trying to diagnose myself and I never like the advise given to me.

The next test was to see how I felt after getting away from all my stressors at home. This year has not gone smoothly for me. After 2 years of working full-time, going to school part-time, and training (on top of my best and hardest bout of racing last year), I am burned out. Then you add a couple of family deaths, family drama, and losing my job. I guess you could say I have a lot of stress.

So after my last day at work, I left NYC to vacation in Popham Beach, ME with my mom. I am already feeling better, not 100%, but at least I can run at my regular pace again, just in time for marathon training to begin. I am still questioning a systemic yeast infection versus a subclinical hormone issue versus what I have termed ASS (Acute Stress Syndrome). I think it's time to visit a complementary MD and get to the bottom of the issue! Time to take charge so I can get back to training hard!
Happy at the beach with my momma

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