Monday, September 9, 2013

Time for a change

In December I started thinking about joining a new running club for a few reasons. (1) I wanted to train with a club for multisport events and (2) I wanted to train more competitively.

I have been a member of Van Cortland Track Club (VCTC) since November of 2010. They are a great team, one which has become like a second family. They helped me go from being a casual runner, to running my first race, to running my first marathon. They have been there, and continue to be there, to support me through life's conflicts or to celebrate positive changes/events.

I have religiously followed the Pfitzinger marathon training program with a few modifications and have been quite successful. I have brought my time down from a 3:50 to a 3:01 in just 2 years. I'm sure a lot of it has to do with my intense dedication and determination, but the program also helps. That being said, it took me away from the VCTC workouts for a good chunk of the year. Most of my runs are quite structured with a specific purpose, so I would often try and coordinate with someone else who was running a similar pace and distance to my scheduled workout. As I became faster, however, this became harder. It's always wonderful to enjoy a new running partnership by finally being able to run with someone who was always faster than you, yet sad at the same time to not be able to run with partners whom you previously ran with, but are now too fast for. Over time, it felt hard to find people to run with during our usual team runs and I longed for new running partners that would allow me to continue to grow as an athlete. I also wanted to join a multisport club so I could better my bike skills (and let my mom stop worrying about my clumsy self). My goal for the coming year is to become a better triathlete and compete in Triathlon National's, maybe even making it to World's.

That's where City Coach comes in. I met Coach Jonathan Cane at the TriMania multisport expo in March of this year. One of my dear running friends told me about him as she had been training with his team City Coach and really enjoyed it. I noted he was on the speaker panel for the expo and sought him out. I felt welcomed from the get-go. When I got home, I had a Facebook message from both he and his highly talented wife, Nicole Sin-Quee (NSQ), enthusiastically encouraging me to join a workout..."We like ambitious, fun people, and it's clear you'd fit right in." I couldn't join a workout for a few weeks due to my school schedule, but when I finally did, I was sold. The bantering and smack talk, often instigated by NSQ, made the workout more fun than any I had had in a while. "I can see your panty line...maybe you should run faster so your not staring at my a$$."..."You're faster than me, I shouldn't be passing you...for real though, if I pass you again, I'm gonna tell coach you were walking". I laughed so much, I almost forgot how hard the actual run was. I love some good smack talk! I was more excited than ever and officially joined in May. On top of new running partners, I also acquired multisport partners, and my own coach.

At the end of August, I spent a few days in New Palz where Jonathan and NSQ were house sitting. It was my own private Sin-Cane training camp. I enjoyed running along the beautiful Wallkill Valley Rail Trail. I cross trained by chasing their adorable son Simon around. (Yeah, it was a good thing I still had energy after running 16 miles, cause this 22-mo-old boy never stops. He's like the energizer bunny!) I fueled my endeavors with delicious veggies from the organic garden and fresh eggs from the hen house. As for multipsport training, Jonathan worked with me on learning how to clip into my pedals and better my bike handling skills. I still have work to do, but am making progress. Then, the best part, an impromptu brick workout in the quarter of a mile driveway. Jonathan and I rode single gear mountain bikes completing 1.5 miles and then switched to the run for 0.5 miles. We did this 5 times, for about an hour. It was a blast! He would pass me on the bike, telling me "you're a rock're gonna hurt someone's feelings". Then I would pass him on the run and he would exclaim, "take it easy on an old man", "you see the grey hair?". We finished, he ahead of me as I crashed, to the cheering of NSQ, Simon, and other friends! It was the best workout ever! I want to go back just to do it again!

Jonathan and NSQ have quickly become more than just my coach and training partner, they are great friends. The positivity that radiates from the duo is contagious. I always appreciate their complements on my ability as I see them as a couple of the best. I mean, NSQ is a World Champion! And my coach, he just kicks a$$!