Friday, February 15, 2013

Off with a bang, onto a thud...but what a year

I have attempted to write this post multiple times over the last few weeks, but the app on my iPhone crashed and then it crashed on my iPad. So alas I have been forced to re-write it repeatedly. Hopefully it still has the same passion it did when I originally wrote it...

This has been my best racing year yet! A couple weeks ago, my club (VCTC) acknowledged me for my efforts, by rewarding me with the 30-39 AG award for the year, in one of the most competitive age groups. I couldn't be happier! I finally earned it! In 2010, my first full year as a member, I tied with another great athlete in the 20-29 age group. Then in 2011, for the same age group, a mistake was made as my race times were misplaced in the slew of statistics being analyzed. Of course mistakes happen, and there were so many amazing accomplishments by my teammates that year, as with every year. Coach Ken felt horrible. I always say everything happens for a reason. The award means more to me this year than any other year! I had the honor of of winning in a year where two people, who had great influence on my running, were also recognized for their unbelievable years.

Jill Staats:
My New York City mother. I love this woman and her family...I mean who doesn't love her wonderful husband Norris. From the moment we met at my first VCTC post-Saturday run ritual of breakfast at Short Stop, there was a connection. Maybe it was easy because I already knew her sister who was one of my professors at Columbia. Or maybe it's just because she really lives up to her title of being the "mother hen" to the ladies of the club. Jill is always there for you no matter what. She was the one who talked me into signing up for my first race only two months after I joined the club, the Fred Lebow 5-miler in January 2010. Well this amazing women had the most amazing year, which ended with the award for Female Runner of the Year!

Jill placed 1st AG fourteen times, 2nd AG six times, and 3rd AG twice in distances ranging from 5ks to half marathons. She also improved her AG PR to a whopping 82.12% at the 5th Ave Mile. And to top of a fabulous year of racing, she was nominated by NYRR for their 60-64 AG Female Runner of the Year. What a well deserved honor!

David Isaac:
I am sure I David previous my fateful first race in Central Park, but my first memory of him is when he ran up next to me and asked if I wanted company. I of course, jumped at the chance since I had no idea how I would make it through 5 miles at blistering cold temps. That was the beginning of a lasting friendship, where we trained together and raced together throughout the year. Well until I got too fast and needed to train at speeds David was unaccustomed to. This year, however, he has made great headway in catching up to me.

David set ten PR’s in 2012, ranging in distances from a 5k to full marathon. He worked hard to crush the 4-hour marathon mark, dropping his time from 4:02 to 3:53 and then went back out to run 3:45 only six weeks later. And for the bling lover that he is, he won his first AG award, 1st place none the less, in a December NYC Runs 10k. And best of all, for me that is, we can run together again!

I couldn't be more proud of my teammates!

Now for my year...
I dabbled in triathlon, ultra running, and of course, marathons and road races in 2012. Like David, I also set ten PRs. I ran a 19:40 5k at the end of my first triathlon only three weeks after a marathon, earning fastest female runner. Then three weeks after that accomplishment, I ran my first 50 miler, finishing in 8:47:59 and placing 2nd OV, but 3rd finisher. That's right!...I beat all the guys but one! Then at my second triathlon, a race in the middle of marathon training just for fun, I came in 1st OV. I also placed 1st, 2nd, and 3rd OV in three different 5ks throughout the year, one as part of a long run and another just 45 minutes after a 5 mile race. However, the 1st place that meant the most was during my tune-up half marathon in September, The Bird-in-a-Hand Half. After running this beautiful hilly course through Amish county, I was handed my award by none other than Bart Yasso, who informed me I have a very bright future. That was definitely a highlight! Finally came my quad smashing marathon in St. George where I ran it in 3:01:25, a 22 minute PR.

Of course, all good things must come to an end. I finished the year with overtraining syndrome. I'm not sure if it had as much to do with my training as it did the high level of stress in my life. I often bite of more than I can chew....full-time work at a busy clinic, part-time grad school, and training...oh, and I can't forget my family and friends. Still, I couldn't be more proud of myself and am confident I will be back stronger than ever! I couldn't do it without the support of my friends and teammates!